The Third Rome
[Note: I'm not sure how accurate this is, but, I surmise that it is at least worth looking over. I took this from here on the net. This is a crucial topic for all seekers of Truth (Orthodoxy). ]
In the second half of the fifteenth century, Muscovy's secular and ecclesiastical leaders were profoundly influenced by three events. The first was the Turkish capture of Constantinople in 1453 and their subsequent absorption into the Ottoman Empire of all Christian states of the Balkan peninsula. The second was the break-up of the once-mighty empire of the Golden Horde into several small, quarreling units. And the third was the emergence of Muscovy as a major power in northeastern Europe. Some Muscovy spokesmen interpreted these far-reaching geopolitical changes as the work of Providence, and they soon formulated a new theory to explain these events. The articulator of the new theory was a monk named Filofei who, between 1515 and 1521, submitted it to Moscow's Grand Prince Vasilii III (1505-1533). The central theme of Filofei's theory was simple. Ancient Rome, he argued, collapsed because its people subscribed to heresies. Constantinople, the second Rome, fell to the Turks because its people were not true Christians. The burden of carrying on the true Christian faith had fallen now on Moscow, the Third Rome, selected by God for that role, as evident in recent Moscow triumphs. And there would be no fourth Rome! Soon this simplistic argument produced an interesting imposture. It said that Moscow's rulers-who descended from Riurik, who had in turn descended from a close relative of the Roman Caesar Octavian Augustus- were the descendants of and, hence, rightful heirs to Roman heritage and greatness. Before too long, in their official correspondence (with non-European rulers), Moscow's tsars referred to themselves as "the Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Prince and Autocrat of all Russia, descendant of Caesar Augustus, ruler of the entire universe, descendent of the Great Prince Riurik and of all other great monarchs." Here is Filofei's letter:
To you who have been selected to rule, by the highest, the all-powerful and almighty hand of God, by Whose will all rulers on earth govern and Whom all great people praise and about Whom the powerful write the truth, {I address these words} to you, the illustrious sovereign, Grand Prince {of Muscovy}, occupier of the high throne, the Orthodox Christian Tsar and lord of all, the administrator of all Holy Churches of God and of the Holy Universal and Apostolic Church and of the Church of the Holy Mother of God, that has made such honest and illustrious progress that it has been enabled to triumph over the Church of Rome as well as over the Church of Constantinople. The Apollinarian heresy caused the downfall of old Rome. The Turks used their axes to shatter the doors of all churches of the Second Rome, the city of Constantinople. Now {in Moscow}, the new Third Rome, the Holy Ecumenical Apostolic Church of your sovereign state shines brighter than the sun in the universal Orthodox Christian faith throughout the world. Pious Tsar! Let {people of} your state know that all states of the Orthodox faith have now merged into one, your state. You are the only true Christian ruler under the sky! Tsar! As long as you hold that position, be mindful always of God. Fear God who has bestowed so much on you. Do not rely on gold, wealth, or glory! All of that is collected here and it will remain here on earth. Tsar! Remember the Blissful who held the scepter in His hand and the imperial crown on His head and said: "Do not turn your heart to wealth that is running away from you." The wise Solomon said: "Wealth and gold are valued not when they are hidden, but when people offer help to those in need...." Tsar! During your rule remember {an additional} two commandments.... {The first is}: Do not violate the order which was chosen by your great predecessor {Emperor} Constantine, the beatific Vladimir, the great and God-selected Iaroslav, and all other blissful and saintly {rulers} from whom you have descended. {And second}: Tsar! Do not harm the Holy churches of God and honest monasteries. {Do not expropriate} that which has been given to God in return for eternal blessing of the memory of a family. The Fifth Great and Holy Ecumenical Council issued a very strict injunction {against such action}.... Now I beg you and beg you again, please remember what I have said. For God's sake, please also remember that now all {Orthodox} Christian kingdoms have merged into your tsardom. Henceforth we can expect only one kingdom to come. That kingdom is eternal. I have written this because, admiring you as I do, I have appealed and have prayed to God that He may bless you. Change your stinginess to generosity and your inclemency to kindness. Comfort those who cry and moan day and night. Protect the innocent from their tormentors. I repeat here what I have written above. Pious Tsar! Listen and remember that all Christian kingdoms have now merged into one, your tsardom}. Two Romes have fallen. The third stands [firm). And there will not be a fourth. No one will replace your Christian tsardom....
The author/historian says our monk's "theory" is "simplistic." He fails to acknowledge the prophecy it contains.
ReplyDeleteSt. John S&SF said in a sermon given in San Francisco in February 1963:
"Yea, holy art thou, Russia! He was right who wrote of old that thou art the third Rome, and a fourth shall not be. In thy firm stand in the Orthodox faith thou hast excelled the Rome that baptized thee, and thou wilt be unexcelled to the end of the world."
In another sermon on Russia, St. John said that Russia's holiness has not been diminished by the Soviet regime, same as the Apostles' holiness was not diminished when Judas betrayed, like heaven's glory was not diminished when Satan fell.
A link to the above sermon:
There is nothing more to look forward too but HEAVEN because Russia will remain "wilt be unexcelled to the end of the world."